Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Politically correct vs person of character

When my grandfather was alive, he was considered a man of great character. Anyone who ever met him would always talk about what a great man he was. What made this mad great? He held a set of beliefs, and had a sense of what was right, and what was wrong, and here is the hard part, LIVED HIS LIFE ACCORDINGLY! He believed that it was wrong to swear, so he did not. He believed it was a mans job to take care of his family, and he did so. He believed that you should go to church, and he faithfully attended. He held certain values, and attempted to instill them in his children.

If this same man were to be alive today, he would be ridiculed, and laughed at. He would be told that he had no right to believe what he did, as it contradicted what the majority thought. He would be politically incorrect. What started out as an ideal to prevent persecution, has created more persecution than it avoided.

To make my point, I believe that homosexuality is a sin. I believe it is worthy of death. The bible tells me this. It also tells me that lying is worthy of the same death. In a nutshell, while I believe it is a sin, I believe that I have sinned just as much, if not more than any active homosexual out there.

This also means, that I do not think that by being gay you should be beaten, or harmed in any way. But it does mean that I will tell you your behaior will lead you to hell. This is not meant to be harmful, or even cruel. It means that I truly believe this, and I don't want you to go there.

I do not pretend to know if gay people are born gay or not. I don't think they are, but only God knows the answer to this. I do, however, believe that if they are born this way, than God means for them to overcome this. I just cannot think that sexual proclivities are something in your genes, for if this is true, than a rapist can use this same argument. I believe it has more to do with surroundings and choices. I do not think you can make someone gay either. I also do not pretend to think that there is no hurt involved in all of this. I have heard the argument " You think I would choose to be an outcast?" and other such arguments. I can only answer, honestly, that although I do not even pretened to know all of the answers, I do know that it is a sin. That is all I need to know.

I do know that I do not want my children exposed to pda's, by anyone, but especially by homosexuals. This is unnecessary, and I think, meant to instill discomfort and unrest. My response to that is, who is doing the bullying now?

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